Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Do We Think About Those?


In the scorching hot summers of June
When we switch on our AC in the afternoon
Do we think about those 
Who don't even have fans in their homes?
On the cold winter day
When people wish to stay
In their blankets cosy and warm
Not wanting to take up any harm
Do we think about those
Who don't have windows to close
When the chilly wind blows?
In the merry spring fervour
When everyone is smelling the flower
Do we think about those
Who get the thorns but not the rose?

Run run run! The world is fast
Just a pause and you are lost
Earn earn earn! Be happy and glad
Don't care for the pitiable sad
Yes, its the language of the modern lad
This is the language of the modern lad!

In today's materialistically modern world people are busy running after materialistic possessions not caring about the underprivileged not giving a damn about how they live, the sense of humanity has disappeared, instead of '' just feeling bad'' or ''just pitying on them'' together we can make their conditions better. We should learn from nature, the art of balancing and equally distributing the resources among the people. As a gratitude towards nature, after we earn enough or more to fulfil our basic needs, as responsible humans of the world, the intellectuals should ensure equality amongst all and partiality amongst none.

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